Pastor David Demian began his journey in Asia since 2001. He made Taiwan his first stop and started sharing with us messages of reconciliation and unity. He urged us to seek the Lord for the destiny of Taiwan. Pastors from the North to the South of Taiwan responded. Under the leadership of Pastor Nathaniel Chow, a group of pastors started a journey, began to call for gatherings in different cities, and started to witness confession, repentance, forgiveness and healing wherever they go. This journey of reconciliation and unity later moved to Hong Kong and Mainland China. I tried hard to be a part. Yet many times I felt like giving up when the trials became intense. It was then I had an encounter with God which enabled me to press on until now.
It was in 2008, a small family journey gathering with about 100-200 people was held in Hong Kong. When it ended, around 20-30 family members stayed behind to fellowship and I was one of them. I sat quietly and listened to how God has been leading His people in different regions. All of a sudden, I heard a small, clear voice, “Son, lift up your head and look around, for they are your true brothers.” I looked around and started to see things that I have never noticed – we are so different! In the room, there were Chinese from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, also brothers from Egypt, Canada, United States, Singapore and Malaysia (some were even of Indian origin). The voice then spoke again, “They were all born again by My blood so they are your true brothers. If you fail to see it, you won’t go far on this Homecoming journey.” Stunned, I asked, “Lord, was that You speaking?”
A few minutes later, I went to take a bathroom break. I couldn’t help but said to the young church leader next to me, “Li, we are true brothers!” A bit shocked, he responded, “You are my big brother and I’m the young one!” Truly, I’m much older than he is, but I felt that he didn’t quite get what I was trying to say. So on our way back, I held his shoulders and repeated twice, “We are true brothers!” Again, he humbly replied, “Yes, you are my big brother and I’m the young one!” At that moment, I started to wonder. Aren’t we brothers as we should always have been? What exactly am I saying?
Returned to my seat and I immediately asked for a sign so I would know that this is from the Lord and not from my own. I asked the Lord, “If it were from You, please let someone ask me to share on stage.” And I decided not to take any initiative to share about this. In just a second, David looked into my eyes and said, “Michael, did the Holy Spirit just urge you to share something with us? Would you please come?” I was so amazed! Lord, it’s You! I shared what I just received with great joy. From then on, I realize that you have to mean what you say when you call someone your brother or sister. They not only are precious in Father God’s eyes, but also my family in Jesus Christ.
Honestly speaking, my heart wasn’t fully aligned with God in the past. Often, I call people “brothers” yet with prejudice and judgments in my heart, so much so that I wanted to avoid being in family gatherings. However, His love never fails. I am now blessed to witness time after time how the Holy Spirit melt hearts of people from different ethnic groups, nations, regions, statuses, generations, occupations, languages and cultural backgrounds together. When we worship in unity, we humble ourselves to listen to His voice. We confess, repent, accept and forgive one another. We overcome obstacles to close the gap between generations, and bring back the hearts of sons and daughters to align with our Father God.
It is really a new and living way. It is also a journey of the Cross- constantly laying down and surrendering ourselves to the Holy Spirit, filled with pain and tears as well as joy and embrace. “Homecoming” is not a ministry nor a slogan, but a lifestyle that all children of God must value and live out at all times. We start with ourselves individually, then extend to the levels of family, ethnic groups, and nations. We are all on this journey. By the grace and love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, we will become His spotless bride who welcomes Lord’s return.
Your true brother in Him,
Michael Lee (Taiwan)