The Chinese carry a unique end-time mandate that has been hidden in the heart of God since the beginning of time: to lead the global body of Christ in taking the gospel back to Jerusalem, impacting both the Jewish and Arab worlds. For generations many faithful believers have prayed and sacrificed, often times in hidden ways, laying foundations for the fulfillment of the Lord’s desires for the Chinese. And now, as the destiny of the Chinese comes into collision with the timings of God, the Lord has begun gathering together believers of like heart and spirit in a journey to see the fulfillment of His kingdom coming and His will being done on earth as it is in heaven among the Chinese. (Matthew 6:10).
In May 2010, the Lord gave the grace to over 5000 Chinese believers to gather together and posture themselves for four days before the Lord in worship and prayer. Unlike a traditional conference with a line-up of speakers and pre-planned agendas, the only direction given before the gathering was a cry from the heart of the Father calling His Chinese children home. As this remnant obeyed and waited on the Lord together at The Homecoming, the Lord released a sovereign spirit of repentance that broke through traditional barriers between streams and nations and caused the hearts of all those present to be knit together into one true family. Then by faith, this remnant stood and declared together, on behalf of the wider Chinese Body of Christ, “The Chinese are one family! The Chinese have come home! Back home to the Father!”
The next year, the Lord released another call for believers, from Asia and around the world, to gather in Hong Kong, this time during the Feast of Pentecost, June 8-11, 2011 with a promise given in Jeremiah 32:39: “I will give them one heart and one way”. During the gathering, the Lord challenged a remnant from among the Chinese believers to lay aside their own agendas and plans and surrender their lives unconditionally to Him. His desire was that this act of corporate surrender would become a seed through which He might restore the miracle of one accord (divine unity), into the Body of Christ worldwide, preparing the Bride for her end-time mandate and hastening the Lord’s return.
In 2012, believers from many nations will once again gather in Hong Kong from August 1-4 for the “Kingdom Come” gathering. Before His Kingdom can be established in the world, first He must secure His rule and reign over a remnant of the Body of Christ. Once again, the Lord desires to use the Chinese believers to stand in the gap on behalf of the body of Christ in all the nations and to be a seed to birth the Lord’s purposes in this hour.